Wednesday, November 02, 2005

a movie i picked

Enigma Of Kaspar Hauser, The (1974)

About a young man who in the 1820's suddenly appeared in a small German town, full-grown but seemingly a new born child, unable to speak and stand. Bruno S' performance is overpowering and the film, which follows the education of Kaspar, is a potent statement about the nature of civilisation.

People will need to consider the issue of Zones when ordering DVD. This will be a problem for some of us, if the movie is anything but Zone 4.
The Price of Milk may have been good but I was not able to watch it on my sustem.
And another thing, I went for a number of films but they were not available on DVD. Will we accept to watch movies on VHS?

This is fun, it requires some application but worth building up the skill level so that it gets easier.

I have started adding titles to 'My Picks", which you are welcome to use or ignore. Browsing brings up so many good possibilities for later.


Blogger Ruth said...

VHS is fine for us.

This has just come my way:

Thursday, November 03, 2005 9:18:00 AM  

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